类型: 比利时
进化岛 Évolution (2015)
标签:Lucile_Hadzihalilovic, LucileHadzihalilovic, 剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚, 比利时, 法国, 法国电影

进化岛 Évolution (2015)
Ten-year-old Nicolas lives with his mother on a remote island, in a village inhabited solely by women and young boys. At a hospital overlooking the ocean, all the boys are subjected to a mysterious medical treatment. Only Nicolas questions what is happening around him. He senses that his mother is lying to him, and is determined to find out… What he discovers is the beginning of a nightmare into which he is helplessly drawn. But in Stella, a young nurse at the hospital, Nicolas finds an unexpected ally…
超新约全书 Le tout nouveau testament (2015)
全能的神确实存在,并且居于布鲁塞尔寻常住宅?还用电脑掌管一切生命?《小英雄杜杜》鬼才导演继《小国民尼谟》后又一奇幻狂放之作,这次斗胆玩转宗教。原来神不只有独生子道成肉身,还有个反叛的十岁女儿,对人间种种不幸看不过眼,决定离家出走改造世界,推翻暴君父亲。先发短讯泄露天机公 布大限,再化身小救主,下凡召集六大使徒,聆听各人心曲,开启《超新约全书》。暴怒的神也追到凡间,力阻女儿造反。天马行空出奇制胜,更有凯瑟琳·德纳芙演富婆使徒,与大猩猩擦出爱火花。